2002-08-26 - 6:11 p.m. - i am the law......

i got selected for grand jury duty this morning - two weeks worth, and starting immediately. Everything in the Brooklyn Supreme Court is a cliche. its like nypd blue, cops, and law & order rolled into one. The street cops and detectives are the coolest guys by far, very blue collar, tough as nails, and very funny. the lawyers come off as prissy and condescending, no real shock there, and they all have bad Long Island fashion. In case you don't know, grand juries indict, not convict, so we will hear up to 10 cases a day and decide if they should go on to trial based upon reasonable belief. today's first case (this is illegal so shut up about it okay?) had 2 undercover brothers talking about their multiple 'narc' purchases of guns. they procured fully automatic machine guns for $600! It was a sweet sting operation and that guy was totally indicted. next up was a thumping some kid took as he was walking home in Bed-Stuy (see ak28's recent entry - similar story) the kid had his jaw wired shut for 3 months, and it just was removed so he could talk to the jurors about his experience. grim. anyway, our warden told us to expect all the worst crimes in the coming weeks - murder etc - and to keep an open mind. it all seems so arbitrary, really. but definately interesting.

whence - hence - FOTOLOG

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Now that Converse is owned by Nike... I thought I would give Pro Keds a try. Seems to be well made, with thick rubber around the bottom.